The Number 1 Reason Your Dog Training Is Not Working

Let's face it we'd all like a dog that we could enjoy at home as well as out and about, one that listens, is focused and easy to be with without the struggles of pulling or over excitement.

But how do we get that? Why when we are training, do we seem to be getting nowhere at all?

Well the number one reason (and there can be many) is consistency. Yes I know it's a dirty word in our time constricted world but unless you can be consistent you will continue with the struggle. It is hard in our world to allow extra time for anything and the big mistake most of us make is to try to make up for lost time by doing a bigger session of training when we have a bit of time. Usually that's in the weekend or when the family are out. BUT this just won't achieve the results!

Its like going on a diet and saying I will eat really healthy and only small amounts every Saturday - all day - and the rest of the week I won't think about it. It just doesn’t work. Training needs to be short and often. But how do we fit this into our busy lives?

I suggest you get a small notebook a calendar and work out when in each day you can best fit in 5 (yes just 5) minutes each day to do training. It needs to become a consistent habit. If you can fit two lots of 5 minutes each day that would be wonderful BUT start with one session each day every day. Mark the time on your calendar or diary and stick to it.

Before you start take the first 5 minutes of each week to work out what you want to achieve, what the goal looks like then break that down to steps. Decide what step you will take toward that end goal for this week. Do that process each week and after each 5 minute training session make a wee note of what you want to work on tomorrow. It is just a few words to remind yourself where you are, in your training.

If you do this you will truly be amazed at how fast your training will go. Remember to take things slowly and get a really good solid base before moving on to more distracted environments or more difficult tasks.

Good luck with your daily training


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